Last Updated June 4th, 2024

Privacy Policy

The parties referred to in this Agreement shall be defined as follows: 

Company, Us. We: The Company, as the creator, operator, and publisher of the Website, makes the Website, and the Services on it, available to users. House of Fofanah, LLC, Company, Us, We, Our, Ours and other first-person pronouns will refer to the Company, as well as all employees and affiliates of the Company.

You, the User, the Client: You, as the user of the Website, will be referred to throughout this Agreement with second-person pronouns such as You, Your, Yours, or as User or Client. 

Parties: Collectively, the parties to this Agreement (the Company and You) will be referred to as Parties.  

All data and Confidential Information are stored through a data management system. This data and Confidential Information can only be accessed by those who help manage that information in order to deliver e-mail or otherwise contact those who would like to receive our correspondence. You agree and acknowledge that we, including but not limited to our team, staff and affiliates, and those who manage the data management system may have access to your Confidential Information. The Company does not accept responsibility for the security of Your account or content. You agree that Your use of the Website or Services is at Your own risk.

Privacy and Disclosure. All Confidential Information will be held in confidentiality and will not be disclosed to third parties, except that we may disclose Confidential Information and personally identifiable information: (1) pursuant to the terms of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and our Disclaimer, (2) if we are required to do so by law, (3) in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to conform to the law, (4) to comply with any legal process served on either us or our partners, sponsors, investors, or affiliates, (5) to protect and defend our rights or property or those of our users or purchasers, and/or (6) to act as immediately necessary in order to protect the personal safety of our users, purchasers, or the public. We will not sell, distribute or lease your Confidential Information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so.

Viewing by Others. Note that whenever you make your Confidential Information or Other Information available for viewing by others such as through our Programs, Products, Services, or Program Materials, our Website or social media, the Confidential Information or Other Information that you share also can be seen, collected and used others, and therefore, we cannot be responsible for any unauthorized use by others of such Confidential Information or Other Information that you voluntarily share online or in any other manner.

We may use the standard “cookies” feature of major web browsers. We do not set any Confidential Information in cookies, nor do we employ any data-capture mechanisms on our Website other than cookies. You may choose to disable cookies through your own web browser’s settings. However, disabling this function may diminish your experience on the Website and some features of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials may not work as intended. We have no access to or control over any information collected by other individuals, companies or entities whose website or materials may be linked to our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials.

Passwords. To use certain features of our Programs, Products, Services, or Program Materials, you may be issued a group username and password or a unique individual username and password, which you will receive through your registration and/or purchase process. You may be able to change to username and/or password of your choosing. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and account and are responsible for all activities (whether by you or by others) that occur under your password or account. You are not permitted to share your username and/or password with anyone. If we learn you have shared your username and/or password with another person, we reserve the right to immediately terminate your access to the Program, Product, Service, Program Materials, Website, private forum, Facebook group or any other related communication. It is your responsibility to protect your own password from disclosure to others. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to protect your password or account information. You are responsible for activities that take place using your password(s) and within your account. If you share your password(s) with anyone, they may be able to obtain access to your personal information at your own risk. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security, and to ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. By using our Programs, Products and Services, you agree to enter true and accurate information as part of the registration, purchase process and otherwise. If you enter a false email address, we have the right to immediately inactivate your account. We will use our best efforts to keep your password(s) private and will not otherwise share your password(s) without your consent, except as necessary when the law requires it or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary, particularly when disclosure is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to others or interfering with our rights or property. 

You are strictly prohibited from using the Website or any of the Company’s Services for illegal spam activities, including gathering email addresses and personal information from others or sending any mass commercial emails.  

By participating in our Programs, Products and Services, and using our Program Materials, including our Facebook community, you consent to photographs, videos, and/or audio recordings that may be made that may contain you, your voice and/or your likeness. In our sole discretion, we reserve the right to use these photographs, videos, and or/audio recordings and/or any other materials submitted by you to us in connection with your participation in our Program, Product or Services in our current or future Programs, Products or Services, and/or our marketing or promotional efforts, without compensation to you at any time, now or at any time in the future. 

CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION To use our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials, we may seek personal data or information including your name, e-mail address, phone number, street address, billing information, birthday, preferences, interests, assignments, or other personally-identifying information (“Confidential Information”), or you may offer or provide a comment, photo, image, video or any other submission to us when using or participating in our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials (“Other Information”). By providing such Confidential Information or Other Information to us, you grant us permission to use and store such information. We, in turn, will use our best efforts to keep your Confidential Information safe, secure and confidential in accordance with these Terms of Use and our full Privacy Policy which may be found on our Website. If you believe that any of your Confidential Information is incorrect or incomplete, please contact us as soon as possible. We will promptly correct any Confidential Information found to be incorrect. 

What We Do with Confidential Information. We request and require various personal data and/or Confidential Information to understand your needs and provide you with better services. In addition, we may use such data and Confidential Information for the following reasons: (1) for internal record keeping, (2) to improve our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials, (3) to periodically send promotions about new Programs, Products or Services or other special offers from which you may unsubscribe at any time, (4) for aggregate, non-identifiable data for research purposes, (5) to customize the respective Programs, Products or Services you purchase or use according to your interests and/or (6) for support or communication related to your Program, Product, Service or Program Materials.

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to any and all use of this Website. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, written or oral, regarding the use of this Website. 

Assignment. This Agreement, or the rights granted hereunder, may not be assigned, sold, leased or otherwise transferred in whole or part by You. Should this Agreement, or the rights granted hereunder, by assigned, sold, leased or otherwise transferred by the Company, the rights and liabilities of the Company will bind and inure to any assignees, administrators, successors, and executors. 

Severability. If any part or sub-part of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of law or competent arbitrator, the remaining parts and sub-parts will be enforced to the maximum extent possible. In such condition, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force. 

No Waiver. In the event that we fail to enforce any provision of this Agreement, this shall not constitute a waiver of any future enforcement of that provision or of any other provision. Waiver of any part or sub-part of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other part or sub-part. 

Headings for Convenience Only. Headings of parts and sub-parts under this Agreement are for convenience and organization, only. Headings shall not affect the meaning of any provisions of this Agreement. 

No Agency, Partnership or Joint Venture. No agency, partnership, or joint venture has been created between the Parties as a result of this Agreement. No Party has any authority to bind the other to third parties. 

Force Majeure. The Company is not liable for any failure to perform due to causes beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil authorities, acts of military authorities, riots, embargoes, acts of nature and natural disasters, pandemics (including but not limited to COVID-19) and other acts which may be due to unforeseen circumstances. Electronic Communication Permitted. Electronic communications are permitted to both Parties under this Agreement, including e-mail or fax. For any questions or concerns, please email us at the following address: